Far warning: This is a rather long post!
How far along: 21 weeks, baby is the size of a banana, 10.5 inches
Total weight gain: Somewhere around 9 pounds
Maternity clothes: Same as last time, though I do have a few maternity shirts I'm wearing now.
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Not anywhere as tired as I had been. Mornings are harder for me now though :)
Movement: Kicking even harder :) She surprises me with a really hard kick sometimes and she'll do it about 3 times just to make sure I felt it :)
Every time I feel her move I'm reminded of the miracle growing inside me and am amazed at God's grace and in the way he is has and is forming this little one.
Food cravings: Can't say that I've had many cravings this week, but I will say that it has been extremely difficult not to eat all the cookies I baked this past week...okay not all of them but my favorites.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not eating is still pretty much the only thing that makes me feel sick, and getting up too quickly in the mornings.
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: Girl!
Favorite moment this week: Sleeping fireside :)
I love this poem:
Christmas Fire
We sit and watch the flames leap high,
And hear the crackling fire.
So wrapped up in the love we share,
We're living our desire.
This Christmas night the love we have,
Is precious and alive.
There's no place I would rather be,
Than here with you beside.
The only light that shines around,
Leaps from the fireplace.
And I can see the little shadows,
Dancing on your face.
Just sitting here in front of it,
With you the world seems right.
The snow is falling softly outside,
On this Christmas night.
I wrap my arms around you,
And we smile and reminisce,
Of all the Christmas nights we've had,
So beautiful like this.
I think about the Christmas,
I surprised you with a ring,
And then we planned our wedding,
And we married in the spring.
I think of our first Christmas,
That first year you were my wife.
In the little home we had,
When we started our new life.
We didn't have much money,
But we didn't even care.
We had each other and that's all,
We wanted then and there.
I think about the Christmas,
When the baby came along.
The decorations and the tree,
And playing Christmas songs.
I think about the Christmas times,
The house was full of guests.
The joyous times we always shared,
At Christmas were the best.
I think about the Christmas,
When our last child finally parted.
Again it was just you and I,
Just like when we had started.
So many Christmas nights we've had,
So different every year.
But always filled with love and laughter,
Full of Christmas cheer.
But now my love it's you and I,
This Christmas night again.
And now we sit and reminisce,
Of Christmas time back then.
I gaze into your lovely eyes,
And see your smiling face.
And feel your love just radiate,
Encompassing this place.
As I feel the warmth from you,
And feel your inner glow.
As we sit and reminisce,
There's something you should know.
Of all the Christmas nights we've had,
And there have been a few.
They all have been so special,
Because they were spent with you.
So on this Christmas night,
As we enjoy the Christmas fire.
And sit and watch the dancing flames,
While they keep getting higher.
Just to be here with you,
And to feel you close to me.
Is all I ever really wanted,
Christmas night to be.
All the joy and all the love,
Expressed this time of year.
Is magnified a thousand times,
For me because you're here.
You are my life and happiness,
You are the very reason.
You're the one who makes this such,
A joyous Christmas season.
So as we sit and watch the fire,
Change to a different hue.
My Christmas night is so complete,
Because I'm here with you.
James A. Kisner
Looking forward to: This little project...
Some pictures from our week and a few recipes too!
Love getting fresh veggies from Lee's farm each week! Luke's dad has been bringing us a bag each week and each week there is something different in the bag. Somehow it makes figuring out what to have for dinner or a side dish much easier because I can just figure out what to make based on what I have instead of figuring out something and then going to the store to get it.
^ These are some of Luke's and my favorite cookies!! I originally got the recipe from my neighbor when she used to bring them over to our house around Christmas. They are so simple, but oh so yummy (if you like mint chocolate that is)!!
Andes Mint Cookie Recipe
1 Devil's Food Cake Mix
1/2 cup oil
2 eggs
1 package of Andes Mints
Mix cake mix, oil, eggs, and crumbled Andes Mints together. Drop spoonfuls of dough onto baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 6-9 minutes. Don't cook any longer than that! They will flatten a bit and have a more crinkled looked once they cool for a few minutes. That's it!!
I use Wilton's Class Buttercream Icing for frosting. Out of every recipe I've tried, this one works the best and it stiff enough to keep shape but not too hard on your hands: http://www.wilton.com/recipe/class-buttercream-icing-stiff-consistency
Some more Christmas pictures!!
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