I love watching this clip and the simplicity of it. It is so joyful and comforting, and might I say a breath of fresh air to be reminded of what really matters this holiday season and what it's all about. I think so much stress comes this time of year from expectations, from things that don't really matter in the end if it's not being done in celebration of the birth of our Savior. I'm speaking to myself here :) I put many expectations on myself. For me reading/hearing this story this month has put me at rest.
A few fun things to get done this week...print out Christmas pictures (which I LOVE and can't wait to share on here...just one for now :D), assemble the Christmas cards, send them out, a cookie baking marathon, assembly of cookie boxes, and delivering them with Luke this weekend.
The not so fun stuff... Cleaning out the refrigerator that has decided to stop working like a regular refrigerator should. Still in the process of deciding if we should get a new one or try to fix this one... But for now that means not a lot of grocery shopping :/...stink.
Okay so on to baby :)... I am now 20 weeks along (half way!!) and baby is now the size of a small cantaloupe. We had one of those earlier this week but ate it before I could snap a picture of it ^_^! It seems like lately she likes bouncing on my bladder...ah!
I'm loving this adorable little stuffed toy we got in the mail from Luke's grandma! It is so sweet!
Ps. Is anyone else excited about this coming out this weekend?!
Love the photo.