How far along: 19 weeks, baby is the size of a large grapefruit
Total weight gain: 6 pounds or so
Maternity clothes: Belly band so I can still wear my jeans. Most of my regular shirts are looking ridiculous as they are too tight. I love my stretchy tshirts right now. Not quite ready for maternity shirts.
I purchased my belly band a few weeks ago, and because of that have been able to wear my jeans. Previously, I could only wear my yoga pants and gym shorts, as anything tight on my stomach made me feel so sick!! Thank goodness, most of that nausea has gone away!
Stretch marks: Nope! I've been using Palmer's lotion everyday since week 5.
Sleep: So ready to crash by evening time. Get up once a night at either exactly 4 or 5 to use the bathroom.
Best moment of this week: Having our first ultrasound, by a friend and photography client of mine!
Seeing the baby for the first time. She was all curled up and hiding from us :)
Finding out the gender :) Baby girl!
I think she's sucking her thumb in this first one.
Miss anything: Wine, normal hormones, and lots of energy
Movement: Lots of movement the last few days. Daddy has felt baby move and we were able to sit and watch my belly move all around last night. She was most certainly doing flips in there.
She wakes me up in the mornings, is active right after I eat, and right before bed. I LOVE it!!
Food cravings: Grape fruit and frozen grapes! And Chipotle....but I'm not sure if that counts since I craved that before my pregnancy too ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not eating.... ;) The smell of the stove....mostly because that's what made me want to gag when I was super sick and the thought of it still hasn't left me.
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: Girl!
Happy or moody most of the time: This past week I would have to say a mixture of happy and emotional. Being pregnant and this holiday season being the first one not living at home, is an interesting mix that I didn't think would effect me as much. But that's not to say Luke and I didn't have a wonderful Thanksgiving with both sides of our family.
Looking forward to: Christmas pictures and holiday baking :)
Love this!!!