How far along: 25 weeks, baby is the size of a rutabaga. Since that doesn't give a very good visual (in my mind at least), the baby is now 1 1/2 pounds and is roughly 13 1/2 inches long.
Total weight gain: I haven't weighed myself recently but it is somewhere over 10 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Wearing maternity shirts or loose fitting tshirts. Still loving my yoga pants and leggings.
Stretch marks: Not yet :) Still using my Palmer's lotion.
Sleep: If I'm able, I will usually take a nap in the middle of the day. That doesn't happen to often, but I do feel a lot better when I'm able to. Sleeping good at night...starting to get a bit uncomfortable shifting from my left side to my right.
Miss anything: Really wishing I could color my hair at this point... I also miss laying on my stomach.
Movement: She moves a lot. It's strong enough now where I don't even have to be looking, I will see it out of the corner of my eye while watching tv, etc. And, I feel it in more than one place now. The other night while laying on my stomach, she rested either her arm or leg high on my right side and we could feel it!
Food cravings: FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT! Even just typing it out is making my mouth water right now... Strawberries, nectarines, tangelos, and grapes (no longer frozen).
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much anymore.
Have you started to show yet: Mmhmm
Gender: Girl!
Favorite day this week: Luke & I celebrated 9 wonderful months of marriage yesterday!
Favorite day this week: Luke & I celebrated 9 wonderful months of marriage yesterday!
Looking forward to: Finishing up the baby registry this week & getting my new website designed and up (Here's my old one: :) Oh! And, a birth place appointment...I always enjoy those :)
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