Wednesday, October 15, 2014

5 Months & Then Some

Maylea Rose you have completely stolen our hearts. I didn't know I could love the way I love you until the day you were born and somehow, in the strangest way, I love you more each day. You are my joy. Being your mommy is most rewarding job I've ever had and I look forward to each new day I have with you, watching you grow and learn new things. 

You are 5 months old and are full of personality.
You found your feet a few weeks ago and must hold onto a foot while your eating.
You roll around like crazy to get where you want to go.
You smile at everyone.
You sleep through the night!
You have the most beautiful, big brown eyes.
You love playing with Daddy and light up when he comes home from work.
You love going! I put you in the carseat and you get so excited!
You sing along with mommy to the country music in the car.
You love apples and sweet potatoes...and bananas and pears. You pretty much just love food.
You are most certainly a people person!

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