I was first introduced to Young Living essential oils, by my awesome doula, during my pregnancy earlier this year. She used a few different oils during my labor and delivery as well. She had just purchased her Young Living kit and after seeing the kit, hearing more about the oils, and the testimonies, my mom and I both purchased our kits! And, I can honestly say I have used them every single day since I ordered my kit. Our diffuser is on every night!
Guys, I'm seriously in love with my diffuser... Ask my husband. He really likes it too :)
The diffuser breaks the oils down into a micro-fine vapor through the air and does not heat them which insures the full benefits of the oils.
Here is a quick run through of what I have used each of these oils for!
Thieves - I used this oil when that nasty bug was going around to support the body's natural defenses and immune system. Topically and diffused.
Peace and Calming - One of my favorites and I'm out! I diffused this at night to promote a peaceful nights sleep. Loved this for Maylea too!
Panaway - This one is amazing! Cramps, headaches, etc...
Joy - This one is probably the least used out of all my oils, because it honestly doesn't smell that great to me....but they say that the oils that stink to you are the ones you need the most!
Purification - Love to diffuse this one while I'm cleaning the house to purify the air. Also love the smell!
Lavender - This one ran out a long time ago and I have a new one on the way :) I diffuse it at night, also helps to calm Maylea (always dilute the oils down with a carrier oil if using on small children). I put it diluted on the bottom of her feet. I use it in her shampoo that I make and in her baths at night. Also, have used it as mosquito repellent.
Valor - I have neck pain issues and have used this oil to help with the pain.
Peppermint - I have used this oil as well when we were sick and use it as an ant killer! Also, good in tea!
Lemon - I like to diffuse this in the morning and it helps me to feel more energized. Also drink it with water and cook with it.
Frankincense - So many uses for this oil. Love it for stretch marks, acne scars, infections, and stress.
Stressway - I think this one is pretty self explanatory.
Since buying my kit, I have also ordered many other oils...it's addictive.
In case you were wondering, Young Living oils may be inhaled, diffused, topically applied, and taken internally (which means you can also cook with them!) Not all essential oil brands are able to be taken internally, so please make sure you read the label before ingesting!
Okay, so why Young Living? There are many essential oil companies out there but I have chosen Young Living for many reasons. One of the biggest reasons is because of their Seed to Seal promise. They grow the plants, cultivate, distill, test, and seal their own oils. Their oils are pure. Their quality is amazing! You can even walk their farms in Utah...which I think is pretty amazing and would love to do someday.
Seriously?! Can I just go now?! I need to do a photoshoot in a Lavender field desperately!
There's so much more I haven't even covered...but the baby has awakened. If you want to know more about the oils or are interested in purchasing a kit, let me know!
Distributor #1929094
DISCLOSURE: The information on this site is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice.