I was first introduced to Young Living oils with my first child. My doula used some oils with me during my labor and delivery, and I loved it! I have since learned a lot more about them and have come to absolutely love my oils! So this time around, I really want to be able to implement more oils into the whole process!
I have been working on putting a list together to give Luke and my doula during the birth. There are still about 5 items that I don't currently own. But plan on having everything by the time of the birth. Unfortunately, there are a few of these products that are currently out of stock...so I'm also trying to be patient and wait for those to come back. Below I have listed all the different oils and products with their uses that I plan on using beforehand and bringing with me for the labor and delivery as well as their uses. Enjoy!
You should use some caution with certain oils during pregnancy. I strongly suggest the book listed below for any mom or mom to be that is using or planning on using Young Living essential oils. It is a great tool! There is also a Basic, Expanded, and Comprehensive Labor and Delivery Kit list listed in the book similar to mine. I think my kit would fall under the Expanded Labor and Delivery kit. So if you are looking for something a little more basic, please check into this book.
Labor and Delivery Kit List:
Dewdrop Diffuser
Diffusing essential oils is one of my favorite ways to use them. I've put this at the top of my list, as I plan on diffusing different oils during the labor and after the labor.
Claraderm Spray
This is also another one of my favorite oils. It leaves a clean scent and purifies the air. This is one of the first things you can diffuse when you get to the hospital or birthing center to purify the air. This oil has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. If you have the Premium Starter kit, you can also use Thieves for this same purpose (added bonus to using Thieves...it smells like Christmas ;) )
Clary Sage & Fennel
Once labor has begun, these oils can help keep things moving along. They can be applied to the inner ankle, little toe, lower abdomen and back. Mix the two oils with a carrier oil for this.
Clary Sage is also known for balancing hormones.
I also plan on using fennel after the birth for lactation. Fennel has been known to increase milk supply. You can ingest two drops of fennel in a teaspoon of honey every two hours. Follow with a cup of water. You can also apply this around breast after feeding (avoid nipple).
En-R-Gee & Peppermint
En-R-Gee and Peppermint oil can be used topically or aromatically (diffuser). I plan on using En-R-Gee on the bottom of my feet during transition/pushing for extra energy and alertness. I have a feeling this oil will also come in handy in the many months following the birth...lol.
Lavender & Peace & Calming
Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils, it can be used for calming fears during labor, promoting peaceful atmosphere, and sleep for both mom and baby. Lavender can also be diluted with a carrier oil and used if baby has cradle cap. Peace and Calming also has the same calming effect as lavender. I think PC has to go down as my absolute favorite oil of all times! Either one can be used topically or aromatically during labor, directly in the birthing tub, and after delivery. You can also use on bottom of feet (our feet have the largest pores on our body, and therefore when oils are applied there they are quickly absorbed into our body) during labor to promote relaxation so that contractions continue to come strong. A friend of mine also had heard the idea of placing a few drops of lavender oil in cold/warm water and soaking washcloths in the water and placing on back of neck or forehead during labor. Sounds wonderful! You can also use Peace and Calming for this.
Note: Peace and Calming is out of stock due to supply restrains. Young Living has come out with a Peace and Calming II that is currently in stock and is very similar.
Frankincense & Myrrh
I am just waiting for this spray to come back in stock! This spray can be used to prepare the perineum weeks before birth and aid in healing after the birth, ie tearing...one of the lovely parts of giving birth sometimes. If there is something out there that may help this...I'm all for it!
This is also another one of my favorite oils. It leaves a clean scent and purifies the air. This is one of the first things you can diffuse when you get to the hospital or birthing center to purify the air. This oil has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. If you have the Premium Starter kit, you can also use Thieves for this same purpose (added bonus to using Thieves...it smells like Christmas ;) )
Clary Sage & Fennel
Once labor has begun, these oils can help keep things moving along. They can be applied to the inner ankle, little toe, lower abdomen and back. Mix the two oils with a carrier oil for this.
Clary Sage is also known for balancing hormones.
I also plan on using fennel after the birth for lactation. Fennel has been known to increase milk supply. You can ingest two drops of fennel in a teaspoon of honey every two hours. Follow with a cup of water. You can also apply this around breast after feeding (avoid nipple).
En-R-Gee & Peppermint
En-R-Gee and Peppermint oil can be used topically or aromatically (diffuser). I plan on using En-R-Gee on the bottom of my feet during transition/pushing for extra energy and alertness. I have a feeling this oil will also come in handy in the many months following the birth...lol.
Peppermint oil can also be used for a boost during labor when you're feeling exhausted. It's also a great oil to use if you are dealing with nausea and/or headaches during labor and transition. For these purposes, you can inhale it from the bottle to help ease your stomach or headache.
Note: Peppermint is an oil that you want to avoid after labor and delivery if you are planning on breastfeeding, as it could dry up your milk supply.
Lavender & Peace & Calming
Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils, it can be used for calming fears during labor, promoting peaceful atmosphere, and sleep for both mom and baby. Lavender can also be diluted with a carrier oil and used if baby has cradle cap. Peace and Calming also has the same calming effect as lavender. I think PC has to go down as my absolute favorite oil of all times! Either one can be used topically or aromatically during labor, directly in the birthing tub, and after delivery. You can also use on bottom of feet (our feet have the largest pores on our body, and therefore when oils are applied there they are quickly absorbed into our body) during labor to promote relaxation so that contractions continue to come strong. A friend of mine also had heard the idea of placing a few drops of lavender oil in cold/warm water and soaking washcloths in the water and placing on back of neck or forehead during labor. Sounds wonderful! You can also use Peace and Calming for this.
Note: Peace and Calming is out of stock due to supply restrains. Young Living has come out with a Peace and Calming II that is currently in stock and is very similar.
Gentle Baby
Another favorite of mine! Helps promote relaxation, prenatal and postnatal bonding, and rest for mom and baby. This oil is also wonderful for preventing and healing stretch marks! I'm currently using this oil to help prevent them!
Frankincense & Myrrh
Both Frankincense and/or Myrrh (diluted with carrier oil 1:10) can be used on the perineum during labor to help prevent tearing. They also promotes healing for the umbilical cord on baby, help with stretch marks, and supports the immune system. These holy oils were the two Biblical oils that were given to the Christ child after his birth. Our doula placed diluted Frankincense on Maylea's forehead shortly after birth and prayed over her. Both help to boost the immune system and promote brain development. For all of these uses you will want to dilute the oil 1:10 with a carrier oil.
Myrrh has been on my "to buy" list for awhile now and I am so excited to have it in time for Christmas as well this year!
Can be applied on wrists, back of neck, or behind ears to uplift and encourage labor. Also, good for bonding with baby.
Valor & Panaway
Valor is known as the "chiropractor in a bottle," as it helps align the body, physically and emotionally. As well as aiding in relaxation of the central nervous system. I love the smell of this oil! Panaway is similar in that it helps ease pain caused from sore muscles and body aches. You can use these oils together or separately on bottom of feet, lower spine, back, and neck to help ease pain and intensity of contractions. Both are good for back pain as well during pregnancy.
Place on the back of the neck and/or spine to help with pain during transition and pushing. I have a feeling my roller bottle tops will be on these two oils for easy application.
Valor can also be used in the weeks following delivery to help re-align the body after birth!
Lavaderm Cooling Mist
The use of this spray is similar to the Claraderm spray. It can be used after the birth to aid in healing from tearing.
There really are so many different uses for each of these oils. I have only briefly gone over how to use them and mostly have listed how I plan on using them. I cannot tell you how much more information and different subjects are covered in the Gentle Baby book for pregnancy, labor, breastfeeding, etc.
If you are looking to get started with essential oils or have any questions about this list, please feel free to leave a comment or contact me with any questions you may have. Just as an FYI if you've been looking into purchasing the Premium Starter kit, it does come with quite a few oils on this list, including Lavender, Purification, Panaway, Frankincense, and the diffuser. The Premium Starter Kit is also $10 off until August 13th.