With "flu season" coming up I thought I'd share a few of my "go to" preventatives and remedies! I pretty much swear by all of these. These are all things that are actually going to help boost your immune system naturally and help keep away colds and/or help your body to fight a cold effectively and shorten it. If you do catch a cold, while these things will make you feel better, they are not drugs or medicine from the store that will instantly make you feel better by masking your symptoms. Just wanted to get that out there because I know so many people tend to give up on fighting a cold naturally because they don't see "instant" results. I have personally found though that many of these make me feel better "quickly." Instead of masking your symptoms and not giving your body what it really needs to fight a cold, these natural remedies are working with your body to help restore it to its healthy state. While sick or trying to prevent a cold it's important to eat right as well. Eating diary and/or sugars while sick is not doing your body any favors. This includes drinking "ginger ale" from the grocery store...*gasp!* Typical Ginger Ale that you buy on the soda aisle at the grocery store is loaded with sugar and guess what...has absolutely no ginger in it. It's all fake. Ginger is great for making your stomach feel better with stomach viruses though and you can find "real" ginger ale at a health food store. Making sure you stay hydrated while sick is also super important! Okay enough ranting...here we go!
Not all the items listed below are pictured above, as I have run out of a few and need to get more! :)
Olive Leaf - The moment someone in our home starts feeling a tickle in their throat or scratchiness, we start taking our Olive Leaf! It's an awesome preventative and typically if we catch it in time with this, we won't get sick. This is also something we all take if one of us is sick just to be safe. And if you don't catch it in time, this still will shorten your cold by a lot! Do some research on this leaf, it is good for many other things as well!
Activated Charcoal (in capsule form) is a great preventative for stomach bugs and if you already have a bug it will help shorten it by absorbing (bind/hold onto) whatever is causing the bug until it is out of your system. *Digize essential oil blend is also great for settling your stomach. Rub directly onto your stomach and you'll instantly feel relief.
Elderberry Syrup is made from dried Elderberries. You can either make your own using a recipe like this one: http://wellnessmama.com/1888/elderberry-syrup/. Or you can buy it already made. I have yet to make my own, as I have to order the berries online, and I tend to only think of making it when someone gets sick and then it's too late to order. So as of right now I have an Elderberry concentrate blend from the health food store, and I love it. It's rather yummy!
Colloidal Silver - This stuff has soo many uses! It is highly effective in supporting the body's immune system. It is effective against bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. So no matter what it is that you caught, this stuff will more than likely help!
Apple Cider Vinegar - Adding this to your water before a cold or during will help alkalinize your body. An alkaline environment helps kill bacteria and viruses. Side note: Liquid Chlorophyll has the same effect, causing an alkaline environment.
Thieves Essential Oil Blend - This is a good essential oil blend to have going in your diffuser during the flu season! It is a powerful immune system booster, aids the lungs, and gives support to the sinuses! You can also rub this oil on the bottom of your feet. Our feet have the largest pores on our body and therefore by putting oils on the bottom of our feet, it is absorbed into our systems the quickest. We also take a drop or two of this and a drop of lemon essential oil in a tsp of honey. Not only does it help you feel better, it also will numb the throat if you have a sore throat.
Purification Essential Oil Blend - This oil can be used to purify the air by diffusing it to prevent colds. But it can also be used directly on the throat to help with a sore throat. I absolutely hate having a sore throat and the moment I feel one coming on, I will rub a drop or two on the outside of my throat. Helps soo much!
Oregano Essential Oil - We use this oil much in the same way we do Olive Leaf. I add this oil to my water (I am only referring to Young Living oils when speaking about ingesting) when I feel a cold coming on or am trying to shorten it. I'm not saying it tastes great...but it works. It has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. It will boost the immune system and also help relieve a sore throat.
RC Essential Oil Blend - This blend supports healthy lung function and a healthy respiratory system. Great for breathing clearer and coughing. Diffuse or rub directly (or diluted with a carrier oil) onto the chest.
Thieves Hand Sanitizer - A hand sanitizer without all the chemicals. Love this stuff.
Is there anything you guys would add to this list? Any natural remedies that you swear by?
Where to buy: You can typically get all these items at Whole Foods or any health food store.
The Thieves, Purification, and R.C. oils are blends made by Young Living and are available separately but they also come in the Premium Starter Kit which also includes other everyday oils that you can use to help prevent/shorten colds. Because Young Living oils are completely pure, you are able to ingest specific oils. Do not try this with any other oils unless it is stated on the bottle that you are able to do so. Many oil brands will say they are 100% pure but then tell you not to ingest certain oils that should be ingest-able....If you've been thinking about purchasing a Premium Starter Kit it really is the perfect time as we are heading into the Fall and Winter months. Not a bad idea for a Christmas present either... :). These oils really do work and can help with just about anything you can think of! Ask me! I wouldn't stand with a company/product that didn't work. From now until December 1st, when you buy the Premium Starter Kit through me, you will also receive a diffuser necklace!
Disclaimer: The above remedies are not meant to cure, treat, or prevent disease.