Monday, April 21, 2014

{Pregnancy Week 39}

How far along: 39 weeks, baby is the size of a mini watermelon
Total weight gain: 25 lbs
Maternity clothes: it time to wear my regular clothes yet??! Ugh!
Stretch marks: Not that I'm aware of... :)
Sleep: Pretty uncomfortable. Restless leg syndrome, a bed that is overflowing with pillows (and having to re position them all every time I turn), and having to get up every hour to pee does not make for the most restful nights these last couple of weeks. Oh! Plus, a baby that likes to have a dance party every night.. :)
Best moment of this week: There have been many this week...I got to have another ultrasound and see our squished, little girl :), celebrate Easter with my family, and spend lots of time with Luke this weekend. 

Miss anything: Too many things to mention at this point, but that's okay as it's almost over.
Movement: Yes, maybe too much for how big she is! I think the inside of me is bruised from her.
Food cravings: Pineapple!! (and no, this does nothing to bring on labor for me).
Anything making you queasy or sick: Randomly, I will start to feel nauseous in the mornings but it usually goes away pretty quickly.
Happy or moody most of the time: Hmm...lots of different emotions these last few weeks. Lots of ups and downs. I have learned in the last week that the best kind of labor prep you can have does not come from anything I can read online, learn from other moms, my doula, my midwives, etc (don't get me wrong, I need these things too!) but from spending time with my Lord. There is nothing like the peace I have received from talking with him. I have an unrelenting need to be in control of situations in which I am fearful. Fear of the unknown. I have such a vision of how I want the birth to go and maybe have held onto that a little too tight. I have struggled with this over the last few weeks and finally realized that I cannot keep holding on and handling things the same way. I had to give my fears to the Lord and let go. When I was finally able to do that this past week, I have been filled with such a wonderful sense of peace and direction. I see Him reaching out his hand to me and telling me to walk with him. I was born to do this! So now...we just wait for her with excited anticipation :)
Looking forward to: Getting to meet our little girl!!