How far along: 35 weeks, baby is roughly 18 inches long and the size of a honeydew melon.
Total weight gain: 21 pounds
Maternity clothes: Does this even need to be answered anymore...? :)
Stretch marks: Not yet :)
Sleeping: Starting to get uncomfortable. Certain nights are worse than others when it comes to the pelvic pressure. Turning from side to side is rather painful. And, I'm starting it think it has to do with how much water I drink that day... Drink, drink, drink!!
Miss anything: I subconsciously almost laid on my stomach the other day while crawling into bed....that wouldn't have lasted very long. So looking forward to being able to do that again.
Movement: Yup, lots of movement still. Her feet hurt when she pokes them out :) She's getting strong.
Food cravings: Still fruit...still strawberries :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much anymore.
Have you started to show yet: Of this point I can't go anywhere without everyone asking, "when are you due," "what are you having?" Strangest one this week was an old man in Walmart who stopped next to me on a grocery aisle, guessed the gender, and then preceded to tell me his children's whole life story and exactly how much they pay a month on baby things... *Sigh* On a related note, my only goal in life at Walmart is to get in and out as quickly as possible...
Gender: Girl!
Favorite day this week: Hmm...I would say Thursday. I got to teach my brother how to drive a manual car. No better time to learn than when you just purchased a manual and have to learn to be able to drive it :)
Favorite day this week: Hmm...I would say Thursday. I got to teach my brother how to drive a manual car. No better time to learn than when you just purchased a manual and have to learn to be able to drive it :)
Looking forward to: My cousin coming into town this week and hitting up the beach with her and her littles! And, a little babymoon/anniversary getaway to the sweet, little bed and breakfast Luke and I spent part of our honeymoon at last year. How is it almost a year!!?
We are so excited to meet you, little one!!