Friday, February 12, 2016

Judah Keona / A Waterbirth Story

I have prayed many things for Judah. I pray that he would be a man of God, free from religion, but trusting, loving & walking as Christ did; in faith, humility, strength, confidence, love, truth, & gentleness. I am excited to see what God has planned for him.

Judah “praised”    
Keona “God’s gracious gift”

It's amazing to me how different every birth is! During my pregnancy & in the weeks leading up to Judah’s birth, I spent a lot of time preparing, both physically & mentally for a second natural birth. I could not have imagined how quick & smooth it would go this time!

My contractions started Wednesday night around 9. They were timeable and somewhat intense. I knew they’d be this way right from the start since I was already dilated to a 5. I called our midwife to give her a heads up. We were all under the impression that I’d be having this baby tonight or in the early morning. However, my contractions stopped completely when we went to bed at 11. I was rather disappointed & thought to myself that this little boy was never going to come! But looking back our sweet little boy was giving his mama a break and let me get a full nights rest before his arrival. That next morning at 6:30, contractions started again & were intense right from the start. I couldn’t sleep or lay down any longer from the pain, so I got up & started getting ready. Luke got up shortly after & he threw on his “my wife rocks” t-shirt & said, with great enthusiasm, “I am wearing this shirt today because you are going to rock this birth.” It certainly made me smile. He is such an encourager. As we continued to get ready, Luke did the hip squeeze on me during contractions to help ease the pain. This is how I got through doing my makeup. Listen guys…I love my makeup & it’s nice to feel somewhat put together when you’re about to have a baby. We called my mom to have her head over to the house. And, we called the midwife to let her know we’d be headed to the birth center soon. Meanwhile, Maylea was still sleeping and I was struggling with the thought of having to say goodbye to her when we left, knowing that when we came back she would no longer be my only baby. I was a lot more emotional during this labor. There were so many emotions to handle; happiness to meet our little boy, sadness that a season of my life was changing, and excitement. I know, how can you feel those things all at the same time? It’s possible.

Luke had the car all packed up, mom arrived, and Maylea was up. Luke and I had eaten breakfast and I continued to labor through the contractions by leaning over the counter and swaying back and forth. Strangely, I didn’t feel too much in a hurry; maybe because I had only been having contractions for an hour and a half at this point. But they were getting more intense. We said goodbye to Maylea, and I tried not to lose it, and then we left.

I was turned around in the front seat of the car, hugging the back of passenger’s seat, as we drove. On our drive to the birth center, we got on the turnpike…now normally Luke will go straight through the Epass and just wait to get the bill in the mail to pay it. However, today he decided to stop… much to my dismay. It was awkward…you know, in my nightgown and in the middle of labor…but whatever. My contractions didn’t slow at all in the car, like they did with Maylea, but intensified. I was really having to concentrate through them now as they hurt worse and were longer. I kept telling myself “pressure, not pain.” Amazingly, that helped a lot! Easing contraction pain and letting labor progress has so much to do with the mind and releasing your fears. When I said that little phrase, the way the pain felt changed and didn’t hurt as bad. I wanted something to distract me, so I started playing the song “Oceans” by Hillsong, on my phone. I closed my eyes and forgot about everything else.

Rewind to a few weeks before I had my first baby. I was so fearful about labor; if I’d be able to get through laboring naturally and all the unknowns. I finally sat down one day, wrote out all my fears, prayed, and released each one of those fears to Jesus. Once I finished, I sat quietly for awhile and I had the most distinct image of my head being under water, under the waves of the contractions. Seeing Jesus’ hand reaching toward me, above the water, above the waves of the contractions to pull me out. He was saying walk with me, above the fear and above the pain. It was so beautiful! And, I carried those words and that picture with me through my labor with Maylea; knowing that He was with me and that He would help me. Fast forward to the car ride, I played the song “Oceans” because it reminds me of that picture and His words. I become so at peace, remembering and listening to it. I will say I was even less fearful this time around and I believe that helped with this labor so much.

My midwife called as we were about 2 minutes away, asking if I was pushing yet. Surprised she’d ask that, I said “no…,” not thinking I was that far along. We arrived at the birth center and she met us outside, along with the student midwife and helped Luke carry all our stuff up. While in the elevator, I remember noticing that I was sweating. I thought to myself that it was strange since I couldn’t be in transition yet. We got into our room around 9am and I got checked. I was 8cm dilated! I cried tears of relief as I knew it would be over soon! I couldn’t believe how fast it was going. I asked to get in the tub to labor and they started filling it up. My doula was called earlier to head over as well. Kendra (my midwife) got out my lovely essential oil birthing kit and started diffusing. They also started heating the crock pot with wash cloths that I brought. Lavender and Frankincense were added and the cloths were placed on my lower back during contractions. Oh my! I did not anticipate them helping so much! They took most of the pain away! I was so amazed! If I can help it, I will not have another birth without my essential oils! I got into the pool about 20 minutes later. Lavender and Peace & Calming were added to the water and I labored on, enjoying the relief that the warm water brought. Jeanelle (my doula) arrived and sat by my side outside of the pool. At this point things started getting a bit hazy. I know Luke jumped in the pool , behind me, at some point. Jeanelle was encouraging me, as it was getting really hard. My contractions were not on top of each other though like Maylea’s were, so I still had breaks even during pushing. I started feeling the urge to push, and shortly after my water broke. Shortly after that I was checked again and was fully dilated. I started pushing slowly as I felt the urge, and breathed Judah down instead of forcefully pushing. It was so gentle! That doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt…it hurt  A LOT! Especially as he “slowly” crowned. I pushed hard for awhile, as he started to crown. Jeanelle stuck essential oil bottles under my nose to give me energy. And with one last hard push, our sweet little Judah was born in the water and quickly placed on my chest! It was absolutely beautiful! He was anointed with Frankincense oil and prayed over. I felt so empowered and so loved by all the support I had! Judah was born 8lbs 4oz. Born at 11:11am. Not quite 4 ½ hours after my contractions began!

Oh this sweet boy is so good to his mommy! I love thinking back to his birth. I am so grateful for the strength and courage that is to be found in my Savior. I’m grateful for an encouraging and supportive husband! For my amazing doula and friend, Jeanelle; and my awesome midwives, Kendra and Laynie!

“He was afraid and began to sink.”Lord save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.” You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
Matthew 14:30-31

Spirit lead me where my trust is  without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever you would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger, in the presence of my Savior

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

My Flu Season Preventives

With "flu season" coming up I thought I'd share a few of my "go to" preventatives and remedies! I pretty much swear by all of these. These are all things that are actually going to help boost your immune system naturally and help keep away colds and/or help your body to fight a cold effectively and shorten it. If you do catch a cold, while these things will make you feel better, they are not drugs or medicine from the store that will instantly make you feel better by masking your symptoms. Just wanted to get that out there because I know so many people tend to give up on fighting a cold naturally because they don't see "instant" results. I have personally found though that many of these make me feel better "quickly." Instead of masking your symptoms and not giving your body what it really needs to fight a cold, these natural remedies are working with your body to help restore it to its healthy state. While sick or trying to prevent a cold it's important to eat right as well. Eating diary and/or sugars while sick is not doing your body any favors. This includes drinking "ginger ale" from the grocery store...*gasp!* Typical Ginger Ale that you buy on the soda aisle at the grocery store is loaded with sugar and guess what...has absolutely no ginger in it. It's all fake. Ginger is great for making your stomach feel better with stomach viruses though and you can find "real" ginger ale at a health food store. Making sure you stay hydrated while sick is also super important! Okay enough we go!

Not all the items listed below are pictured above, as I have run out of a few and need to get more! :)

Olive Leaf - The moment someone in our home starts feeling a tickle in their throat or scratchiness, we start taking our Olive Leaf! It's an awesome preventative and typically if we catch it in time with this, we won't get sick. This is also something we all take if one of us is sick just to be safe. And if you don't catch it in time, this still will shorten your cold by a lot! Do some research on this leaf, it is good for many other things as well!

Activated Charcoal (in capsule form) is a great preventative for stomach bugs and if you already have a bug it will help shorten it by absorbing (bind/hold onto) whatever is causing the bug until it is out of your system. *Digize essential oil blend is also great for settling your stomach. Rub directly onto your stomach and you'll instantly feel relief. 

Elderberry Syrup is made from dried Elderberries. You can either make your own using a recipe like this one: Or you can buy it already made. I have yet to make my own, as I have to order the berries online, and I tend to only think of making it when someone gets sick and then it's too late to order. So as of right now I have an Elderberry concentrate blend from the health food store, and I love it. It's rather yummy!

Colloidal Silver - This stuff has soo many uses! It is highly effective in supporting the body's immune system. It is effective against bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. So no matter what it is that you caught, this stuff will more than likely help! 

Apple Cider Vinegar - Adding this to your water before a cold or during will help alkalinize your body. An alkaline environment helps kill bacteria and viruses. Side note: Liquid Chlorophyll has the same effect, causing an alkaline environment.

Thieves Essential Oil Blend - This is a good essential oil blend to have going in your diffuser during the flu season! It is a powerful immune system booster, aids the lungs, and gives support to the sinuses! You can also rub this oil on the bottom of your feet. Our feet have the largest pores on our body and therefore by putting oils on the bottom of our feet, it is absorbed into our systems the quickest. We also take a drop or two of this and a drop of lemon essential oil in a tsp of honey. Not only does it help you feel better, it also will numb the throat if you have a sore throat. 

Purification Essential Oil Blend - This oil can be used to purify the air by diffusing it to prevent colds. But it can also be used directly on the throat to help with a sore throat. I absolutely hate having a sore throat and the moment I feel one coming on, I will rub a drop or two on the outside of my throat. Helps soo much!

Oregano Essential Oil - We use this oil much in the same way we do Olive Leaf. I add this oil to my water (I am only referring to Young Living oils when speaking about ingesting) when I feel a cold coming on or am trying to shorten it. I'm not saying it tastes great...but it works. It has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. It will boost the immune system and also help relieve a sore throat.

RC Essential Oil Blend - This blend supports healthy lung function and a healthy respiratory system. Great for breathing clearer and coughing. Diffuse or rub directly (or diluted with a carrier oil) onto the chest.

Thieves Hand Sanitizer - A hand sanitizer without all the chemicals. Love this stuff.

Is there anything you guys would add to this list? Any natural remedies that you swear by?

Where to buy: You can typically get all these items at Whole Foods or any health food store. 
The Thieves, Purification, and R.C. oils are blends made by Young Living and are available separately but they also come in the Premium Starter Kit which also includes other everyday oils that you can use to help prevent/shorten colds. Because Young Living oils are completely pure, you are able to ingest specific oils. Do not try this with any other oils unless it is stated on the bottle that you are able to do so. Many oil brands will say they are 100% pure but then tell you not to ingest certain oils that should be ingest-able....If you've been thinking about purchasing a Premium Starter Kit it really is the perfect time as we are heading into the Fall and Winter months. Not a bad idea for a Christmas present either... :). These oils really do work and can help with just about anything you can think of! Ask me! I wouldn't stand with a company/product that didn't work.  From now until December 1st, when you buy the Premium Starter Kit through me, you will also receive a diffuser necklace!

Disclaimer: The above remedies are not meant to cure, treat, or prevent disease.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Upcoming Posts

I am so proud of this cabinet! I've been wanting to make one for awhile now. I had been storing my oils in our bathroom closet but wanted something more organized and something that would be out of reach for my little one. It took a friend, my husband, and my dad, all at separate times helping me, but it's done and looking oh so lovely on the wall!

Okay..on to upcoming posts! Do you guys know anything about frequency and essential oils? If you are using oils than it is something you really should know about! I'm still learning too and am planning on writing a blog post all about this subject. And as the holiday season approaches, I'll also be blogging on the Healing Oils of the Bible and a few other fun, holiday subjects! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

My Young Living Labor and Delivery Kit

As many of you know, we are expecting our second child in December! Even though I have about half way to go, I'm already starting to feel the pressures of getting everything ready in time...could partially be nesting too :). 

I was first introduced to Young Living oils with my first child. My doula used some oils with me during my labor and delivery, and I loved it! I have since learned a lot more about them and have come to absolutely love my oils! So this time around, I really want to be able to implement more oils into the whole process! 

I have been working on putting a list together to give Luke and my doula during the birth. There are still about 5 items that I don't currently own. But plan on having everything by the time of the birth. Unfortunately, there are a few of these products that are currently out of I'm also trying to be patient and wait for those to come back. Below I have listed all the different oils and products with their uses that I plan on using beforehand and bringing with me for the labor and delivery as well as their uses. Enjoy! 

You should use some caution with certain oils during pregnancy. I strongly suggest the book listed below for any mom or mom to be that is using or planning on using Young Living essential oils. It is a great tool! There is also a Basic, Expanded, and Comprehensive Labor and Delivery Kit list listed in the book similar to mine. I think my kit would fall under the Expanded Labor and Delivery kit. So if you are looking for something a little more basic, please check into this book.

Labor and Delivery Kit List:

Dewdrop Diffuser

Diffusing essential oils is one of my favorite ways to use them. I've put this at the top of my list, as I plan on diffusing different oils during the labor and after the labor. 

Claraderm Spray

I am just waiting for this spray to come back in stock! This spray can be used to prepare the perineum weeks before birth and aid in healing after the birth, ie of the lovely parts of giving birth sometimes. If there is something out there that may help this...I'm all for it!


This is also another one of my favorite oils. It leaves a clean scent and purifies the air. This is one of the first things you can diffuse when you get to the hospital or birthing center to purify the air. This oil has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. If you have the Premium Starter kit, you can also use Thieves for this same purpose (added bonus to using smells like Christmas ;) )

Clary Sage & Fennel

Once labor has begun, these oils can help keep things moving along. They can be applied to the inner ankle, little toe, lower abdomen and back. Mix the two oils with a carrier oil for this.

 Clary Sage is also known for balancing hormones.
I also plan on using fennel after the birth for lactation. Fennel has been known to increase milk supply. You can ingest two drops of fennel in a teaspoon of honey every two hours. Follow with a cup of water. You can also apply this around breast after feeding (avoid nipple). 

En-R-Gee & Peppermint

En-R-Gee and Peppermint oil can be used topically or aromatically (diffuser). I plan on using En-R-Gee on the bottom of my feet during transition/pushing for extra energy and alertness. I have a feeling this oil will also come in handy in the many months following the 
Peppermint oil can also be used for a boost during labor when you're feeling exhausted. It's also a great oil to use if you are dealing with nausea and/or headaches during labor and transition. For these purposes, you can inhale it from the bottle to help ease your stomach or headache.
Note: Peppermint is an oil that you want to avoid after labor and delivery if you are planning on breastfeeding, as it could dry up your milk supply.

 Lavender & Peace & Calming

Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils, it can be used for calming fears during labor, promoting peaceful atmosphere, and sleep for both mom and baby. Lavender can also be diluted with a carrier oil and used if baby has cradle cap. Peace and Calming also has the same calming effect as lavender. I think PC has to go down as my absolute favorite oil of all times! Either one can be used topically or aromatically during labor, directly in the birthing tub, and after delivery. You can also use on bottom of feet (our feet have the largest pores on our body, and therefore when oils are applied there they are quickly absorbed into our body) during labor to promote relaxation so that contractions continue to come strong. A friend of mine also had heard the idea of placing a few drops of lavender oil in cold/warm water and soaking washcloths in the water and placing on back of neck or forehead during labor. Sounds wonderful! You can also use Peace and Calming for this. 

Note: Peace and Calming is out of stock due to supply restrains. Young Living has come out with a Peace and Calming II that is currently in stock and is very similar.

Gentle Baby

Another favorite of mine! Helps promote relaxation, prenatal and postnatal bonding, and rest for mom and baby. This oil is also wonderful for preventing and healing stretch marks! I'm currently using this oil to help prevent them!

Frankincense & Myrrh

Both Frankincense and/or Myrrh (diluted with carrier oil 1:10) can be used on the perineum during labor to help prevent tearing. They also promotes healing for the umbilical cord on baby, help with stretch marks, and supports the immune system. These holy oils were the two Biblical oils that were given to the Christ child after his birth. Our doula placed diluted Frankincense on Maylea's forehead shortly after birth and prayed over her. Both help to boost the immune system and promote brain development. For all of these uses you will want to dilute the oil 1:10 with a carrier oil.
Myrrh has been on my "to buy" list for awhile now and I am so excited to have it in time for Christmas as well this year!


Can be applied on wrists, back of neck, or behind ears to uplift and encourage labor. Also, good for bonding with baby.

Valor & Panaway

Valor is known as the "chiropractor in a bottle," as it helps align the body, physically and emotionally. As well as aiding in relaxation of the central nervous system. I love the smell of this oil! Panaway is similar in that it helps ease pain caused from sore muscles and body aches. You can use these oils together or separately on bottom of feet, lower spine, back, and neck to help ease pain and intensity of contractions. Both are good for back pain as well during pregnancy.
 Place on the back of the neck and/or spine to help with pain during transition and pushing. I have a feeling my roller bottle tops will be on these two oils for easy application.

Valor can also be used in the weeks following delivery to help re-align the body after birth!

Lavaderm Cooling Mist

The use of this spray is similar to the Claraderm spray. It can be used after the birth to aid in healing from tearing.

There really are so many different uses for each of these oils. I have only briefly gone over how to use them and mostly have listed how I plan on using them. I cannot tell you how much more information and different subjects are covered in the Gentle Baby book for pregnancy, labor, breastfeeding, etc. 

If you are looking to get started with essential oils or have any questions about this list, please feel free to leave a comment or contact me with any questions you may have. Just as an FYI if you've been looking into purchasing the Premium Starter kit, it does come with quite a few oils on this list, including Lavender, Purification, Panaway, Frankincense, and the diffuser. The Premium Starter Kit is also $10 off until August 13th.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Current Top Favorite Oil

Current Top Favorite Oil:

Okay so let's be real...I have always struggled with really bad menstrual cramps. Like on the floor in a ball, crying in pain cramps. If I didn't catch it in time with Pamprin or some other type of similar medicine it wouldn't work and it would last for about an hour. I hated having to take medicine, especially Pamprin because it would make me feel like a zombie afterwards (I don't do good with medicine) and I knew it was awful for me. I hoped that after having a baby they would go away, but alas they have not. I will say it seems they are not quite as bad though!

I'd been waiting to use this oil for awhile! I'd heard about other people using Panaway to help with cramps and wondered if it would actually help. Well, I can tell you that it did for me! I've used two drops rubbed on my stomach, as often as I needed. For me, there's a warming sensation and then they're gone... Happy dance! I love my oils!! Therefore, this is OBVIOUSLY my current favorite oil!!

Panaway is an essential oil blend by Young Living. If you're interested in learning more, let me know!

Distributor #1929094

DISCLOSURE: The information on this site is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


It's the end of the day, and I am sitting on my couch thinking and enjoying the silence that fills my home. Maylea has hit a stage (or I suppose it's from here on out) in which she feels the need to make noise constantly in her waking hours, whether it be babbling, whiny, the occasional "ma,ma," or crying. It's in these moments that I wonder how I can be enjoying the silence as she sleeps and yet still miss her presence. Oh little girl, what have you done to me? I'm simply so in love. I suppose it's this love that keeps me going, makes me forgot my lack of sleep, the thing that has given me more patience than I've ever had in my life. What a gift God has given us in children. And oh such vulnerability. It's like your heart is walking around outside of your body. I pray that I have the wisdom to know when to hold her close and when to let her go. I pray that her heart will be drawn to the beauty of our Father.

For as long as I can remember, I have always felt the closet to my Father through flowers. Mostly through wildflowers along the side of the road. Such little things, but I see Him in them and in the wind that blows through them. So free. So perfect. Like they were placed there for me to see, simply because He knows they make me feel loved.

Our little Maylea's name means "wildflower," and guess what I see in her every day I get to be with her, every time I look into her big, brown eyes, and see her beautiful smile? I see my Father and His immense love. Oh how blessed I am!

Oh my little wildflower, I find such joy in being your mother!

Maylea's Birth Story

40 weeks and 5 days...I went to bed Friday night after coming to the conclusion that I was never going to have this baby. I awoke at 4:15am Saturday morning with stomach pains that came and went. Not wanting to get excited, I tried falling back asleep and was in and out of sleep til 6:00am. At this point they had become much stronger than before and I was pretty positive I was in labor. I believe it was at this point I finally woke Luke up to let him know I thought I was in labor. The contractions were timing 6 1/2 minutes apart. I rocked on my birthing ball for awhile, called my doula and our midwife, took a shower (which felt wonderful), put some makeup on (crazy I know)... By this point, the contractions were getting closer together 3 1/2 to 5 minutes apart and I could no longer talk during them. Luke was there for each contraction, squeezing my hips, which helped so much with the contraction pain! We called our midwife, Michelle, again and were set to meet her at the Birth Place at 10:30. Luke finished packing our bag and food and we were off!

For weeks before, I had been dreading the car ride there. But once we left, the contractions slowed down. I only had about 3 or 4 the whole way there. We ended up getting to the birth center around 11am and got there before our midwife got there, and decided to walk up and down the hallways there to get the contractions going again. She arrived shortly and we went into one of the patient rooms to get checked. I was 5-6 cm dilated at that point. We headed into the birthing room and got comfortable. My doula arrived at some point and Luke left to go get us some Chipotle, as I was pretty hungry at this point and so was he. While he was gone, we started some relaxing music and I talked with my doula (I think we talked about essential and rocked on a birthing ball. Luke got back and we ate together. It was rather enjoyable ;).This whole time the contractions were getting stronger but still bearable, especially with Luke and my doula taking turns with hip squeezing. If I wasn't on the birthing ball, I had the ball up on the bed and would lean on it while standing and rocking back and forth. I honestly don't know what time it was but it didn't feel like it was too long after we ate that the contractions started to get pretty painful, so I was checked again and about at 7cm. At that point I was allowed to get into the birth pool. I waited for what seemed an eternity for it to get filled up! When I finally got in, it felt so wonderful!! The water helped to speed things up I'd say, as I wasn't in there for too long before the contractions got even stronger. I tried getting in different positions in the tub but nothing really helped anymore. I remember one of the assistants trying to get me to drink more water and/or coconut water. She held a full quarter of water in front of me and asked if I thought I could drink the whole I may have looked at her like she was crazy. Oh! And, I was eating frozen grapes...those were pretty good. I was checked again after being in the tub awhile and was at 9cm. My water still had not broken at this point. I was asked if I wanted to have Maylea in the tub or if I wanted to be on the bed. I honestly couldn't decided and so they decided to have me get out onto the bed. Okay, so the contractions were really hard now! I tried rocking on the bed for a bit and was checked again and almost at a 10 and I was asked if I wanted them to break my water to help speed things along. I decided to go ahead and have them do that. I imagined there was going to be a lot of water but there really wasn't a whole lot. And once it was done, those contractions...oh my!!! But there was only a few of them before I was ready to push! I took me awhile to figure out the whole pushing thing and it took about an hour before she was out. But when she finally came out it only took one final push and her head and entire body came out. Luke was sitting behind me, and Maylea was put on my chest and all I could see/hear at that point was her and Luke softly sniffling behind me. It was the sweetest moment of my life! Oh the moment you first see your child, it is unlike anything else in the world! She was born at 6:30pm and weighed 8lbs and was 21 inches long. Chubby, dark hair, and a tiny button nose. The most perfect thing in the whole world! Our little wildflower.

Oh and can I say, I absolutely loved my birthing team! They were so wonderful!!

Maylea Rose

The next morning, going home!

1 day old!